
The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique identifier given to businesses operating in Australia. It serves as a way for the government and other entities to easily identify and communicate with businesses in various transactions. Whether you are starting a new business or already running one, obtaining an ABN is an essential step in establishing your presence and complying with certain legal obligations. 


But can anyone have an ABN? Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of ABNs and who is eligible to have one. 

Understanding the Purpose of an ABN

Before we dive into the eligibility criteria, it’s important to understand why having an ABN is significant for businesses. An ABN allows you to: 

  1. Register for Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your business has a GST turnover of $75,000 or more ($150,000 or more for non-profit organizations), registering for GST is compulsory. An ABN is a prerequisite for GST registration.
  1. Verify your business identity: An ABN helps establish your credibility as a legitimate business entity when dealing with customers, suppliers, and other organizations.
  1. Claim input tax credits: When registered for GST, you can claim input tax credits on goods and services that relate to your business activities.
  1. Avoid withholding tax at the highest rate: Without an ABN, certain payers must withhold tax from payments made to you at the highest rate applicable, which can be costly administratively.

Eligibility Criteria for an ABN

While not everyone can have an ABN, the eligibility requirements are relatively broad. To qualify for an ABN, you must: 

  1. Be carrying on or proposing to carry on an enterprise in Australia: An enterprise includes any activity done in the form of a business, including commercial activities such as trading, manufacturing, providing professional services, or even operating a charity organisation.
  1. Have an Australian Business Name (ABN): In order to apply for an ABN, your business must have a registered Australian Business Name (ABN). This helps in ensuring transparency and protecting consumers from fraudulent practices.
  1. Have a legal business structure: Your business must be structured as one of the following entities:

   – Sole trader: An individual running a business on their own. 

   – Partnership: An association of people or entities carrying on a business together. 

   – Company: A separate legal entity that exists independently from its owners. 

   – Trust: An entity that holds property or income for the benefit of others. 

  1. Not be an employee: Individuals who are solely employees and don’t engage in business activities are generally not eligible for an ABN. However, if you’re engaged in other business activities outside of your employment, you may still qualify.

Applying for an ABN

The process of applying for an ABN is relatively straightforward. You can apply online through the Australian Business Register website or seek assistance from a registered tax professional or agent. The application will require information about your business structure, activities, and history. After submitting your application, you will typically receive your ABN within 15 minutes if all the provided information is accurate and complete. 

Maintaining Your ABN

Once you have obtained an ABN, it’s crucial to keep your information up-to-date and ensure ongoing compliance with relevant regulations. Changes in your circumstances such as changes to your business structure, address, or turnover should be promptly reported to the Australian Business Register. Failure to do so may result in penalties or even cancellation of your ABN. 


In conclusion, anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN). It’s an essential identification tool that enables businesses to establish their presence, comply with certain obligations such as GST registration, and conduct transactions smoothly. Remember to keep your details updated to maintain compliance and ensure the continued validity of your ABN. With an ABN in hand, you can confidently navigate the Australian business landscape and unlock opportunities for growth and success.The ABCs of ABN: Can Anyone Have an Australian Business Number? 

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