
Performing arts, which includes dancing, acting, and music, is now a popular study option for students who are very creative. Many Australian universities offer courses in this field (mostly at undergraduate level) to provide students with a solid foundation in their future performing career. From first year, students will collaborate with teaching staff from across disciplines to reflect industry practice, and work on real-world projects. They will be briefed by real clients, and receive career planning assistance to help them on their creative journey. 

Why study Performing Arts in Australia?

  1. Top Rankings

Based on the most recent QS ranking released in 2023, Australia has five universities in the Top 50, and seven universities in the Top 100. The qualifications students receive in Australia will be the best stepping-stone to their future career in any country in the world. 

  1. Real-world learning

It’s always an advantage that Australian education is focused on preparing students for future careers. As your course progresses, you’ll have opportunities to showcase your work and make meaningful industry connections through work-integrated learning, internships, international study tours, public performances and exhibitions. You’ll also participate in project-based learning experiences (situated creative practice units), collaborating with other students and external partners. 

  1. Multiple Start Dates

Australian universities will normally have 2 or 3 intakes each year which makes it more flexible for international students to commence their program based on their individual situation. 

  1. World-class creative facilities

Australia boasts state-of-the-art facilities for performing arts students. These facilities are designed to provide you with the best resources and tools to develop your talents. Whether it’s well-equipped theatres, recording studios, dance studios, or art galleries, you’ll have access to world-class creative spaces that enhance your learning experience and help you hone your craft. 

What can you do with a performing arts degree in Australia?

  • Actor/Actress 

You can pursue a career in acting in film, television, theatre, or even voice acting for animation and video games. Australia has a thriving film and theatre industry, and a performing arts degree can help you break into these fields.  

  • Acting Teacher 

Teaching performing arts at schools, colleges, or community centres is a rewarding career option. A degree can qualify you to become an arts teacher or drama coach.  

  • Music Teacher 

With your degree, you can become a music educator at schools, music academies, or private studios. Teaching music to students of all ages can be a fulfilling and stable career option.  

  • Arts Administrator/Producer 

Behind-the-scenes roles are vital in the arts world. Arts administrators and producers handle the logistical and financial aspects of productions, including budgeting, scheduling, and marketing.  

  • Dancer 

If you have a background in dance, a performing arts degree can open doors to professional dance careers, whether in contemporary dance companies, ballet companies, or as a freelance dancer.  

  • Director 

With experience and further training, you can become a director for theatre, film, or television productions. Directors are responsible for shaping the creative vision and guiding actors and crew.  

  • Stage Manager 

Stage managers play a crucial role in theatre productions, ensuring that everything runs smoothly during rehearsals and performances. They coordinate the technical aspects, cue actors, and manage the overall production.  

  • Playwright/Screenwriter 

If you have a talent for writing, you can become a playwright for theatre or a screenwriter for film and television. Your degree will help you understand the dynamics of storytelling and performance.  

  • D.J. 

D.J is a professional who plays and manipulates recorded music for an audience. The role of a DJ can vary widely depending on the context and the type of event or venue they are performing in, such as music selection, beatmatching, mixing, effects and remixing, etc.   

Want to explore more about the career outcome of performing arts courses? Contact SOL Edu at [email protected] or fill in the enquiry form! Our team will give you free consultation and free application process.  


What Performing Arts programs might you study in Australia?

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts 

A Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is a specialized undergraduate degree program that focuses on various forms of visual and performing arts. It allows students to specialise in a specific area of the fine arts, such as painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography, ceramics, dance, theater, music, or film. The degree provides in-depth training and education in the chosen field. 

  • Bachelor of Arts 

It is a versatile and broadly focused undergraduate program that encompasses a wide range of academic disciplines within the humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts. A Bachelor of Arts degree offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of academic disciplines, including literature, history, sociology, languages, art history, drama, music, medical and digital cultures, writing and more.   

  • Master of Music 

A Master of Music (MMus) is a postgraduate degree program designed for individuals who have a deep passion for music and wish to pursue advanced studies in this field. This degree offers students the opportunity to further develop their musical skills, knowledge, and expertise.  

The Master of Music program allows students to specialize in a particular area of music, such as performance (instrumental or vocal), composition, conducting, music education, musicology, music theory, or music technology.  

  • Master of Dance 

These programs are designed to provide in-depth training, artistic exploration, and professional development in various dance styles and disciplines. This program allows students to specialise in specific areas of dance, such as ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, choreography, dance education, or dance performance.  

  • Master of Fine Arts 

It is a postgraduate degree program that is typically pursued by individuals who want to advance their skills and expertise in various creative and artistic disciplines. The MFA is known for its focus on hands-on artistic practice and often involves intensive studio work, artistic research, and the development of a professional portfolio. This course allows student to specialise in a specific art form or discipline, such as painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, photography, ceramics, digital art, graphic design, film, theatre, dance, creative writing, and more.  

If you want to know which program/s is best for your future career and for your migration plan, contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or fill in the enquiry form. We will offer you free consultation and free application process.  

What are entry requirements for international students to study performing arts courses in Australia?

  • For the Bachelor’s course, normally applicants are required to have completed Year 12 or a Diploma course and attained IELTS 6.5  
  • For the Master’s course, normally applicants are required to have completed a Bachelor’s degree and attained IELTS 6.5   
  • You may be required to attend an audition or interview as well.   

Not sure if you meet the entry requirements of your preferred design course? Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.

What courses/majors might you study for your Performing Arts degree in Australia?

  • Acting 
  • Composing 
  • Singing 
  • Drama 
  • Performance 
  • Industry project/placement 

Where to study performing arts in Australia?

Bachelor’s Level 


Master’s Level 

How to pass skills assessments for performing art professionals in Australia?

The authority to assess your skills assessment is VETASSESS. To have a positive skills assessment outcome, you need to meet the following criteria:   

(1)    For those who have completed a Bachelor or higher degree with a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation:  

  • You must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level,  
  • your experience must be undertaken in the last five years,  
  • you must work 20 hours or more per week, and  
  • your job must be highly relevant to the nominated occupation.  

(2)    For those who have completed a Bachelor or higher degree with a field highly that is not relevant to the nominated occupation:  

  • You must have at least three year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level. However, if you have an additional qualification at least Diploma level in a highly relevant field, you are required to have two years of experience only.  
  • your experience must be undertaken in the last five years,  
  • you must work 20 hours or more per week, and  
  • your job must be highly relevant to the nominated occupation.  

Please note that in case your employment has occurred before you get your qualification, then five years of highly relevant experience are needed, in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment within the last five years.  

Want to know if your qualification and work experience are eligible for a migration skill assessment? Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or fill out the inquiry form. Our team will reach out to you within 24 hours at the latest!  

What is the PR pathway for a Performing Arts professionals to migrate to Australia?

Step 1: Apply for a 485 visa 

After completing a at least 2 years Performing Arts Course, you are eligible to apply for visa 485 (Post-Higher Education Work stream). You are required to have at least IELTS overall 6.5 with no band score under 5.5 in the past 1 year before you lodge your visa application.

Under visa 485, you can stay in Australia for 2-5 years depending on your degree and nationality. However, if you undertook and completed at least  2 years of study in a ‘Regional Area’ such as the Gold Coast, Adelaide or Perth, you can be eligible for an additional 1 or 2 years of the 485 Visa Thus, you will have more time to prepare yourself for permanent residence (PR) or a temporary visa that can lead to a PR. 

Step 2: Apply for a PR or a visa that can lead to a PR 

There are plenty of pathways that can help you migrate to Australia after you have completed an accredited performing arts course in Australia. Depending on your occupation, you can be eligible for one of visas below:    

Skilled visas    

  • 189 – Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – is a points-tested visa, allowing you to live and work permanently in any state or territory in Australia. The minimum score that you are required to be considered for a visa invitation is 65, but you may need a higher score to increase your chance of getting an invite.   
  • 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) – is a permanent residence visa but you need a nomination from one of Australian states or territories to apply for this visa. Each state may have its own occupation list and additional requirements, so you must investigate if you meet all the state’s eligibility criteria before asking for a nomination.   
  • 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) is not permanent, but it can lead to a PR (visa 191). You must commit to stay and work in your nominating regional Australia for a minimal period of time and achieve at least 65 points to be apply for this visa.    

Employer Sponsored visas   

Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] to know which visa option is best for you! 


What types of performing arts programs are available in Australia?

Australia offers a wide range of performing arts programs, including degrees in theatre, dance, music, and film. You can pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational courses. 

What are the popular cities for studying performing arts in Australia?

Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are the most popular cities for performing arts education in Australia. They are home to prestigious institutions and have thriving arts communities.  


What are expected salary in Performing Arts in Australia?

The salary varies depending on your occupation and position in Performing Arts. However, the medium base annual salary for graduate artists (1-3 years’ experience) is AU$77,342. And the medium base annual salary for a performing arts administrator is AU$108,742 (Statistics from Salary Expert).  


How big is the performing arts industry in Australia?

  • Employment: The creative arts have been employing 194,000 Australians. These jobs include artists, musicians, actors, writers, directors, designers, technicians, and many more across various creative disciplines.  
  • Economic Contribution: The creative and performing arts have a direct contribution of $14.7 billion to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This includes income generated from ticket sales, cultural exports, merchandise, and other related activities.  
  • Comparison to Other Industries: Comparing the employment figures, it’s interesting to note that the creative and performing arts employ significantly more people than certain other industries, like coal mining and finance. This highlights the cultural and economic significance of the arts sector in Australia.  


Is it possible to stay in Australia after completing a performing arts degree?

Yes, Australia offers post-study work 485 visas for international graduates, which allow you to stay and work in the country for a specified period after completing your studies. The duration of the visa depends on your level of study, but normally from 2-4 years. After the 485 visa, you can be eligible for a permanent residency visa that allows you to stay permanently in Australia. Contact us to learn more!  

Do I need a job offer to migrate as a performing artist?

It depends on the visa subclass you are applying for. Some visas, like the Employer-Sponsored Visas (visa 482, 186) require a job offer from an Australian employer. Others, like the Skilled Independent Visa (visa 189), Skill Nominated Visa (visa 190) and Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491), may not require a job offer and are based on your skills and qualifications. However, each state and territory may have a different policy, contact us to learn more!  

Interested in studying Performing Arts in Australia?

Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane today for free counselling, and a free application process!