
When you were little, did you enjoy playing doctor with your friends? Were your favourite subjects in high school Biology and Chemistry? Do you care about health and wellbeing? Do you feel comfortable being around sick people, and enjoy seeing their health improve? If you answered Yes to all of these questions, you should consider studying Medicine 

Why study Medicine in Australia?

Medical schools in Australia have an excellent reputation internationally in terms of teaching and training quality. According to QS Ranking (2023), Australia has five universities ranked in the top 50 in the world: University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, Monash University, The University of New South Wales and University of Queensland.  

You may be surprised to learn that Australia is one of the medical hubs in the world. Many innovations and valuable discoveries in the medical field were made here, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), the bionic ear, and the Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer. 

It is very competitive to be accepted into a medical course in Australia. However, careers after graduation are very rewarding, and highly paid. There are also extra incentives from the Australian government (under Workforce Incentive Program – Doctor Stream) if you work as a doctor in regional areas of Australia.  

What are career outcomes for international students after studying Medicine courses in Australia?

  • General Practitioners or Dpecialised Doctors  

Many medical graduates become medical doctors, either as general practitioners (GPs) or specialists. GPs provide primary healthcare services to patients, while specialists focus on specific medical areas like surgery, cardiology, dermatology, etc. 

  • Health Researchers 

Some graduates opt for careers in medical research. They can work in universities, research institutes, or pharmaceutical companies, contributing to advancements in medical knowledge and technology. 

  • Surgeons  

Surgeons in Australia play a crucial role in the healthcare system, as they are specialised medical practitioners who perform surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of medical conditions. Their responsibilities encompass various aspects of patient care, medical decision-making, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals to do the treatment for patients.  

What medicine programs are available for international students in Australia?

  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery:  

This course will equip you to confidently diagnose and manage a broad range of conditions. You may become a patient centred and socially responsible health practitioner, with in-depth knowledge of rural and remote medicine after graduation. It may take up to 6 years to complete this course.  

  • Doctor of Medicine:  

The Doctor of Medicine is a pathway program to becoming a medical doctor in Australia. It’s offered as a graduate-entry program and has a duration of around 4 years. Students with a previous medical/science bachelor’s degree can apply for this program. 

  • Combined Programs 

Some universities offer combined programs which include Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine. You must complete both programs if you want to become a doctor in Australia.   


Contact us to know which courses best suit you – we will offer you free consultations and free admission process! 

What are entry requirements for high school international students to study Medicine in Australia?


The selection for Medicine Courses in Australia is very completive. The universities will rely on three criteria to select the right students.  

  • Your high school results, or ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank)* 
  • Your score in the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) or ISAT 
  • Your score in an interview or oral assessment (Note: some universities also require a written application) 

These three criteria can be equally weighted, or some universities may put more emphasis on a particular criterion. Furthermore, universities may look at particular UCAT/ISAT subtest score(s) rather than your overall UCAT/ISAT score. 

*International students who have not completed high school in Australia need to check with specific universities about their qualifications from their home countries. 

Course Pre-requisites  

Generally, universities will require the successful completion of English, Maths, Physics, Biology and/or Chemistry. 

English Requirement  

You will need a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 (with no band under 7). 


Want to know more about the entry requirements for the medicine courses? Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.    

How much does it cost to study medicine in Australia?

The cost to study medicine in Australia for international students can vary significantly based on the university, the specific medical program, and the duration of the program. However, generally the tuition for medicine study in Australia is much higher than other courses, with the yearly tuition fee for international students ranging from AUD 75,000 – AUD 92,000 (2024 intake).  


Contact us at [email protected] or 07 3003 1899 to know the tuition fees for your preferred courses!  

What is the best place to study medicine in Australia?

Undergraduate only 

Undergraduate and Postgraduate 

Postgraduate with dedicated pathway from undergraduate 

Postgraduate only 

Not sure which university you should apply for? Contact SOL Edu today for free consultations and free admission process! 

How to become a doctor/general practitioner/specialist physician in Australia?

Becoming a doctor in Australia involves a well-defined pathway that includes completing a medical degree, undertaking internship and residency, and potentially pursuing further specialisation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a doctor in Australia: 

  • Step 1: Qualification (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Doctor of Medicine) 

Enroll in a recognised Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program or Doctor of Medicine. This is the foundational step to becoming a doctor in Australia. The MBBS program typically takes 5 to 6 years, depending on the university and program structure. There are 2 pathways to complete a required degree to become a doctor in Australia.  

Pathway 1: For High School Graduates

Pathway 2: For Bachelor Graduates 


  • Step 2: Internship 

After completing your medical degree, you must undertake a one-year internship at a hospital accredited by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The internship provides hands-on clinical experience and exposure to various medical specialties. 

  • Step 3: Provisional Registration 

After completing your internship, you will be eligible for provisional registration as a medical practitioner. This allows you to practice under supervision. 

  • Step 4: Residency Training 

Following internship, doctors in Australia usually complete a period of residency training, which involves further clinical rotations across different specialties. Residency training can last 2 to 3 years and contributes to a doctor’s general medical training. 

  • Step 5: Specialisation (Optional) 

If you wish to become a specialised doctor (e.g., surgeon, physician, radiologist), you can apply for advanced training positions in your chosen specialty. Advanced training programs are offered by various medical colleges and can take several years to complete. 

  • Step 6: Fellowship 

After successfully completing advanced training and meeting the requirements set by the relevant medical college, you become eligible for Fellowship status in that specialty. 

  • Step 7: Specialist Registration 

Obtain specialist registration with AHPRA, which allows you to practice as a specialised doctor independently. 

What is the PR pathway for a general practitioner/specialist physician?

Studying Medicine in Australia costs you more time and fees compared to other courses, but the career outcomes are very rewarding and it is easy for you to migrate to Australia after becoming a general practitioner/specialist physician.  

Step 1: Apply for a 485 visa 

After completing a medical related course, you are eligible to apply for visa 485 (Post-Higher Education Work stream). You are required to have at least IELTS overall 6.5 with no band score under 5.5 in the past 1 year before you lodge your visa application.

Under visa 485, you can stay in Australia for 2-5 years depending on your degree and nationality. However, if you undertook and completed at least  2 years of study in a ‘Regional Area’ such as the Gold Coast, Adelaide or Perth, you can be eligible for an additional 1 or 2 years of the 485 Visa Thus, you will have more time to prepare yourself for permanent residence (PR) or a temporary visa that can lead to a PR. 


Step 2: Apply for a PR or a visa that can lead to a PR 

There are plenty of pathways that can help you migrate to Australia after you have completed an accredited medicine course in Australia. Below are the common options:  

Skilled visas    

  • 189 – Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – is a points-tested visa, allowing you to live and work permanently in any state or territory in Australia. The minimum score that you are required to be considered for a visa invitation is 65.  
  • 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) – is a permanent residence visa but you need a nomination from one of Australian states or territories to apply for this visa. Each state may have its own occupation list and additional requirements, so you must investigate if you meet all the state’s eligibility criteria before asking for a nomination.   
  • 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) is not permanent, but it can lead to a PR (visa 191). You must commit to stay and work in your nominating regional Australia for a minimal period of time and achieve at least 65 points to be apply for this visa.    

Employer Sponsored visas   

Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] to know which visa option is best for you! 


What is the difference between MBBS and MD programs in Australia?

Both MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) and MD (Doctor of Medicine) programs lead to becoming a medical doctor. MBBS programs are often undergraduate-entry, while MD programs are typically graduate-entry. 

Do I need to take a medical admissions test to study medicine in Australia?

Yes. Many medical schools in Australia require applicants to take admissions tests as an entry requirement. If you apply for a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, then you must take an UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test). If you apply for Doctor of Medicine program after completing your bachelor, then you need to sit in the GAMSAT (Graduate Medical School Admissions Test) 

What bachelor’s degree should I take before enrolling in the Doctor of Medicine?

You need to complete a bachelor degree with a medical related field, such as Bachelor of Medical Studies, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Advanced Science if you want to pursue Doctor of Medicine.  

Can I specialise in a medical field after completing my medical degree in Australia?

Yes, after completing your basic medical education and internship, you can apply for advanced training positions in specialized medical fields. This can lead to becoming a specialist doctor. 

How long does it take to become a doctor in Australia?

The timeline to become a doctor in Australia can vary based on several factors, including the type of medical degree pursued, the duration of internships and residency, and whether you choose to specialise in a medical field. On average, the process takes around 10 to 15 years after completing high school. 

  • Qualification (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) or Doctor of Medicine typically takes 5 to 6 years to complete. This is the foundational medical degree required to become a doctor in Australia. 
  • Internship: After completing your medical degree, you’ll need to complete a one-year internship at a hospital. This adds another year to the timeline. 
  • Residency Training: Following the internship, doctors usually undergo a period of residency training, which can last 2 to 3 years.  
  • Specialization (Optional): If you choose to specialize in a medical field, advanced training in the chosen specialty can take several years, depending on the specialty. This varies widely; for example, becoming a general practitioner might require 3 to 4 years of additional training, while becoming a surgeon can take 5 to 7 years or more. 
  • Fellowship and Specialist Registration: After completing the advanced training and meeting the requirements of the relevant medical college, you become eligible for Fellowship status in that specialty. Once you obtain fellowship, you can apply for specialist registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). 

Do I need to take a replacement during my medicine program?

Yes, you are required to take replacement during your program, however, your university can arrange the replacement for you.  

Does my university arrange an internship program for me?

After completing your medical degree, you’ll need to complete a one-year internship at a hospital. However, it is your responsibility to find a hospital for your internship as you already finish your medicine course.  

What is the expected salary for a medical graduate in Australia?

The starting salaries for medical graduates are between AU$70,000-AU$85,000 annually.  

The average top-level salary for doctors in Australia is roughly AU$395,000 a year. 

Interested in studying Medicine in Australia?  

Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today for free counselling, and a free application process!