
Ubi societas, ibi ius” (“Where there is a society, there is law.”)  

Law is no doubt one of the most essential study options in every country, including Australia. A degree in Law allows you to take up a range of positions in the fields of politics, business, and banking because businesses, organisations, and governments need legal information in order to run and make decisions. According to Indeed‘s research, the average salary for a lawyer in Brisbane is AU$107,570 per year. So, if you are detail-oriented and you can see yourself interrogating someone in a courtroom, then getting a Law degree is a good option for you.  

Why study Law in Australia?

  • Top Rankings  

 Australian universities are well-known for their teaching quality, and their qualifications are recognised worldwide. According to QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, there are 7 universities in Australia that are listed among the world’s top 100 best law schools.  

  • Multiple Start Dates 

Australian universities normally have 2 or 3 intakes each year which makes it more flexible for international students to commence their program based on their individual situation.  

  • Post-Study Work Visa  

By studying 2 years or more in a higher education Law degree, students can be eligible for a 2-6-year Post-study Work Visa. Graduates can utilise these visa opportunities to get more work experience. For Law students, they can also use this work visa to prepare for their future migration options as a barrister.  

What are career outcomes after studying Law courses in Australia?

  • Lawyer 

Lawyer is a legal professional who is trained and licensed to provide legal advice, represent clients in legal matters, and advocate for their interests in various legal proceedings. 

  • Paralegal 

A paralegal is a professional who assists lawyers and law firms in various legal tasks and administrative duties. Paralegals are essential members of the legal team and play a crucial role in supporting attorneys in delivering legal services to clients. Paralegals may have a broader range of responsibilities compared to legal assistants. They can conduct legal research, draft legal documents, prepare cases for trial, interview clients and witnesses, and assist attorneys in a wide range of legal tasks. They often work closely with attorneys to provide substantive legal support. 

  • Barrister 

A barrister is a legal professional who specializes in representing clients in court and providing expert legal advice. Barristers are typically distinguished from solicitors in the legal profession, as they have distinct roles and responsibilities. 

  • Judge 

A judge is a legal professional who presides over court proceedings, interprets and applies the law, and makes impartial decisions or rulings in legal cases. Judges play a pivotal role in the justice system and are responsible for ensuring that trials and hearings are conducted fairly, in accordance with the law, and in the pursuit of justice. 

  • Legal Officer/Assistant 

A legal officer or legal assistant is a professional who provides support and assistance to lawyers, legal departments, or legal organizations in various legal tasks and administrative functions. Legal officers play a crucial role in helping legal professionals manage their caseloads, conduct research, and ensure the smooth operation of legal processes. 

What law courses are available for international students in Australia?

  • Bachelor of Laws 
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Law  
  • Graduate Diploma in Commerce/Business Law 
  • Juris Doctor 
  • Master of Laws  
  • PhD 

What are entry requirements for international students to study Laws in Australia?

  • For the Bachelor course or equivalent, usually applicants are required to have completed Year 12 or a Diploma course with a minimum GPA of 5.0/7 (in any discipline) and attained IELTS 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0). However, some universities have specific English requirements that students need to obtain the score of 7.0 for writing and speaking skills.   
  • For a Master’s course or higher, usually applicants are required to have completed a Bachelor’s degree, two years’ relevant work experience and attained IELTS 6.5-7.0 (with no individual band below 6.5).  

Don’t meet the entry requirements? Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.  

What majors might you study for your Law degree in Australia?

  • Civil Law 
  • Criminal Law 
  • Business Law 
  • Tax Law 
  • Environmental Law 
  • International Law 
  • Intellectual Property Law 

What is the best place to study Laws in Australia?

Many universities in Australia offer the Laws courses for international students. Below are some examples. 

Undergraduate Level  

Postgraduate Level 

Not sure which university you should apply for? Contact SOL Edu today for free consultations and free admission process! 

How to become a lawyer in Australia?

Becoming a lawyer in Australia involves following a specific educational and professional pathway. Here are the general steps to become a lawyer in Australia: 

Step 1: Obtain a Qualified Degree 

Start by completing an undergraduate degree in law (LLB or equivalent). This typically takes four years of full-time study.  

Step 2: Complete Practical Legal Training  

After obtaining your law degree, you’ll need to undertake a Practical Legal Training (PLT) program. PLT provides practical experience and skills necessary for legal practice. This training will be under the supervision of an experienced lawyer and can take up to 3 – 4 months.  

Step 3: Apply for Admission to Practice 

Once you’ve completed your PLT, you can apply to be admitted to practice law in your respective state or territory. Each state and territory in Australia has its own admission authority. You’ll need to submit an application and meet their specific requirements. 

Step 4: Serve a Supervised Legal Practice Period 

After admission, most jurisdictions in Australia require newly admitted lawyers to serve a supervised legal practice period, often referred to as a “practical legal training period” or “articles of clerkship”. During this period, you’ll work under the supervision of an experienced lawyer or law firm. 

Step 5: Obtain a Practicing Certificate 

To practice law independently, you’ll need to obtain a practicing certificate from the relevant legal authority in your jurisdiction. This certificate allows you to work as a solicitor or barrister. 

How to pass skills assessments for Laws degree holders in Australia?

For immigration purposes, Laws degree holders need to pass a skill assessment assessed by one of approved authorities in Australia. To know which organisation/authority that you should submit your skills assessment for, you need to clarify what is your occupation. Below are two examples of skills assessment criteria.  

Skills assessment  

After completing the law degree in Australia, you do not need a skill assessment but an admission as a solicitor (ANZSCO Code 271311).  

What is the PR pathway for a Laws degree holders in Australia?

Step 1: Apply for a 485 visa 

After completing a law related course, you are eligible to apply for visa 485 (Post-Higher Education Work stream). You are required to have at least IELTS overall 6.5 with no band score under 5.5 in the past 1 year before you lodge your visa application.

Under visa 485, you can stay in Australia for 2-5 years depending on your degree and nationality. However, if you undertook and completed at least  2 years of study in a ‘Regional Area’ such as the Gold Coast, Adelaide or Perth, you can be eligible for an additional 1 or 2 years of the 485 Visa Thus, you will have more time to prepare yourself for permanent residence (PR) or a temporary visa that can lead to a PR. 

Step 2: Apply for a PR or a visa that can lead to a PR 

Depending on your occupation, you may be eligible to one of the visa below:  

Skilled visas    

  • 189 – Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – is a points-tested visa, allowing you to live and work permanently in any state or territory in Australia. The minimum score that you are required to be considered for a visa invitation is 65.  
  • 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) – is a permanent residence visa but you need a nomination from one of Australian states or territories to apply for this visa. Each state may have its own occupation list and additional requirements, so you must investigate if you meet all the state’s eligibility criteria before asking for a nomination.   
  • 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) is not permanent, but it can lead to a PR (visa 191). You must commit to stay and work in your nominating regional Australia for a minimal period of time and achieve at least 65 points to be apply for this visa.    

Employer Sponsored visas   

Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] to know which visa option is best for you! 


How long does it take to study law in Australia?

  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours) normally take 4 years fulltime study to complete. 
  • Master of Law or Juris Doctor program can take 2-3 years fulltime study to complete.  
  • Some universities in Australia offer the combined degree course (bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws) and this package may take 5 years to complete.  

What would it cost to study law in Australia?

The cost of studying law in Australia can vary depending on the level of education and the specific university or institution. If you apply for a G8 Australian university, the tuition fee may be around 45,000 – 50,000 per year. However, the tuition fees of lower ranking universities should be more affordable, around 30,00 – 40,000 per year.  

Interested in studying Law in Australia?

Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies, today for free counselling, and a free application process! 


What GPA do you need to be a lawyer Australia?

To study Bachelor of Laws in Australia, many universities require you to obtain at least a ATAR score of 75 or equivalent. To study Master of Laws, you may be required to have a Bachelor GPA of 5.0/7.0 

What is Practical Legal Training (PLT) program, and are they required to become a lawyer in Australia?

PLT programs are practical training programs that law graduates must complete to be eligible for admission to practice law in Australia. They provide hands-on legal experience and skills necessary for legal practice and you will work under the supervision of experienced lawyers.  

How much do lawyers earn in Australia?

The medium income of a lawyer in Australia is AUD120,000 per year or AUD61 per hour. The experienced lawyers can earn up to nearly AUD154,000 annually (Statistic from, 2023).