
It’s a common misconception that artists and design professionals are poorly paid, or have to work part-time jobs just to get by. What most people don’t realise is that creative thinking is a highly prized attribute in practically every industry, and there is a multitude of opportunities available to those who study design and art.  

Design and its principles have a greater impact on our lives than we might imagine. From our physical surroundings and infrastructure to the things we wear and buy, everything around us is embedded with design. Design is among Australia’s fastest growing industries, and progressive and collaborative thinking is in demand across major sectors including education, health, agriculture, and manufacturing.

Why study Design in Australia?

  • Quality education system 

In order to get the best training, applicants are encouraged to choose an institution with the best educational and training providers. Australian universities are often found amongst the top one percent of educational institutions internationally.   

  • Thriving art centre 

The local art scene is strong with art exhibitions gathering millions of visitors per year, even surpassing spectators in football fields. Furthermore, there has been a significant rise in people participating in the scene. Anyone who wishes to start their creative industry career will find themselves in the right market for it. 

  • Work while you study 

A common perk for international students studying design in Australia is the opportunity to work whilst you are enrolled in your course. You can work up to twenty four hours per week, which means you can earn extra money to support your stay in the country and gain valuable work experience at the same time. 

  • Post-Study Work Visa 

By studying 2 years or more in a higher education design degree, students will be eligible for a 4-5-year Post-study Work Visa. Graduates can utilise these visa opportunities to get more work experience.  

What design programs might you study in Australia?

  • Diploma of Design 

A Diploma of Design is a short-term, specialised vocational qualification that provides students with foundational knowledge and practical skills in various design disciplines. This diploma program typically covers a broad range of design principles and techniques, allowing students to explore different areas of design before specialising further. 

  • Bachelor of Design 

A Bachelor of Design is an undergraduate degree program that provides students with comprehensive education and training in various design disciplines. This program typically offers a broad and versatile curriculum, allowing students to explore different aspects of design before specialising in a specific area.  

  • Graduate Certificate in Design 

Graduate Certificate in Design is a postgraduate program designed for individuals who already hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field or have relevant professional experience and want to further enhance their skills in design. 

  • Graduate Diploma in Design 

A Graduate Diploma in Design is a postgraduate program that offers advanced education and specialisation in various design disciplines. This diploma is typically designed for individuals who already hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field or have relevant professional experience and wish to further develop their design skills and expertise. 

  • Master of Design  

A Master of Design is an advanced postgraduate degree program that provides in-depth education and specialisation in various design disciplines. After completing a Master of Design, graduates are equipped to take on advanced design positions and leadership roles in design agencies, creative industries, corporations, or academic institutions. They can work as design managers, creative directors, design strategists, or continue their work as specialised designers in their chosen field. 

If you want to know which program/s is best for your future career and for your migration plan, contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or fill in the enquiry form. We will offer you free consultation and free application process.  

What courses might you study for your design degree in Australia?

  • Design Concepts 
  • Design histories and futures 
  • Visual media 
  • Business practices in creative industries 
  • Architectural design 
  • Fashion design 
  • Industrial design 
  • Interaction design 
  • Professional practice 


What are entry requirements for international students to study design courses in Australia?

  • For the Diploma course, normally applicants are required to have completed Year 12 or equivalent and attained IELTS 5.5   
  • For the Bachelor’s course, normally applicants are required to have completed Year 12 or a Diploma course and attained IELTS 6.5.  
  • For the Master’s course, normally applicants are required to have completed a Bachelor’s degree and attained IELTS 6.5.  

Note: Normally, a portfolio will be required for applying to a design-related program. 

Not sure if you meet the entry requirements of your preferred design course? Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.    

Which university or institution offers design courses in Australia?

Diploma Level 

Griffith College 

Billy Blue at Torrens University 

UTS College 

RMIT University 


Bachelor Level  

Queensland University of Technology – Bachelor of Design 

Griffith University – Bachelor of Design 

University of Queensland – Bachelor of Design 

RMIT University – Bachelor of Design 

University of Technology Sydney – Bachelor of Design 


Master’s Level  

Griffith University – Master of Design 

RMIT – Master of Design 

Billy Blue at Torrens University – Master of Design (Advanced) 

What are career outcomes after graduation from design courses?

Studying Design course in Australia can lead to a variety of promising career outcomes. Here are some potential career outcomes after graduation: 

  • Fashion Designer
  • Fashion Stylist
  • Merchandiser
  • Design Researcher
  • Interaction Designer
  • Mobile App Designer
  • Visualisation Expert
  • Exhibition Designer
  • Interior Designer
  • Landscape Planner
  • Artist

How to pass skills assessments for design degree holders in Australia?

The authority to assess your skills assessment is VETASSESS. To have a positive skills assessment outcome, you need to meet the following criteria:  

(1)    For those who have completed a Bachelor or higher degree with a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation:  

  • You must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level, 
  • your experience must be undertaken in the last five years, 
  • you must work 20 hours or more per week, and 
  • your job must be highly relevant to the nominated occupation. 

(2)    For those who have completed a Bachelor or higher degree with a field highly that is not relevant to the nominated occupation:  

  • You must have at least three year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level. However, if you have an additional qualification at least Diploma level in a highly relevant field, you are required to have two years of experience only. 
  • your experience must be undertaken in the last five years, 
  • you must work 20 hours or more per week, and 
  • your job must be highly relevant to the nominated occupation. 

Australian Computer Society ACS maybe the authority to do the skill assessment if your course is related to IT.  

Please note that in case your employment has occurred before you get your qualification, then five years of highly relevant experience are needed, in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment within the last five years. 


Want to know if your qualification and work experience are eligible for a migration skill assessment? Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or fill out the inquiry form. Our team will reach out to you within 24 hours at the latest!

What is the PR pathway for an interaction design degree holders?

Step 1: Apply for a 485 visa 

After completing a at least 2 years higher education course, you are eligible to apply for visa 485 (Post-Higher Education Work stream). You are required to have at least IELTS overall 6.5 with no band score under 5.5 in the past 1 year before you lodge your visa application.

Under visa 485, you can stay in Australia for 2-5 years depending on your degree and nationality. However, if you undertook and completed at least  2 years of study in a ‘Regional Area’ such as the Gold Coast, Adelaide or Perth, you can be eligible for an additional 1 or 2 years of the 485 Visa Thus, you will have more time to prepare yourself for permanent residence (PR) or a temporary visa that can lead to a PR.  

Step 2: Apply for a PR or a visa that can lead to a PR 

  • 189 -Independent Skilled visa- is a permanent residence visa but you need to be on the MLTSSL list to apply for this visa. 
  • 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) – is a permanent residence visa but you need a nomination from one of Australian states or territories to apply for this visa. Each state may have its own occupation list and additional requirements, so you must investigate if you meet all the state’s eligibility criteria before asking for a nomination.   
  • 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) is not permanent, but it can lead to a PR (visa 191). You must commit to stay and work in your nominating regional Australia for a minimal period of time and achieve at least 65 points to be apply for this visa.    
  • 482 – Temporary Skilled Shortage (subclass 482)  – allows you to stay and work in Australia for up to 4 years. To apply for this visa, you must have an employer who is willing to sponsor you. You will have a high chance of getting a PR after a 482 visa.   
  • 494 – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) is applicable for you if you have a regional employer who is willing to sponsor you. You must accumulate at least 3 years relevant work experience and obtain a relevant skills assessment.  


Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or fill out the enquiry form to know which visa option is best for you! 


Is it worth studying design in Australia?

Yes, studying design in Australia can be a worthwhile and rewarding experience. The country offers high-quality education, a diverse and vibrant design industry, and numerous job opportunities after graduation. You can also work up to 48 hours fortnightly while studying in Australia to have more employment experience. Especially, after finishing your course, you have a huge opportunity to stay longer and migrate to this country.  

What is the cost of studying design in Australia?

The cost of studying design in Australia can vary significantly depending on the university or college you choose and the level of the program. If you study a Bachelor or Master of Design in one of G8 Australia universities, the tuition fee can be around AUD 45,000 to 49,000 per year. However, if you choose a lower ranking university, you only need to pay 30,00 – 40,000 per year for the tuition fee.  

What is expected salary as a designer in Australia?

The salary of a designer in Australia can vary depending on several factors, including the specific design discipline, years of experience, location, and the size of the company.  

  • Graphic Designer: Entry-level salaries for graphic designers typically range from AUD 50,000 to AUD 65,000 per year. With several years of experience, graphic designers can earn between AUD 65,000 to AUD 90,000 annually. Senior graphic designers or those with extensive experience may earn AUD 90,000 to AUD 120,000 or more per year. 
  • Interior Designer: Entry-level interior designers can expect salaries between AUD 50,000 to AUD 60,000 per year. With more experience, interior designers may earn between AUD 65,000 to AUD 90,000 annually. 
  • Industrial Designer: Entry-level industrial designers may earn salaries ranging from AUD 55,000 to AUD 75,000 per year. With experience, industrial designers can earn between AUD 80,000 to AUD 100,000 or more annually. 

Can I get additional 2 years on my 485 visa if I have graduate from a design course in Australia?

If you have held an eligible Bachelor or higher degree, you can have 485 visa with additional 2 years.

Can international students work while studying design in Australia?

Yes, international students on a student visa (subclass 500) can work part-time (up to 48 hours per fortnight) during the academic semester and full-time during semester breaks. 

Are there scholarships available for international design students in Australia?

Yes, some universities and institutions offer scholarships and financial aid for international students. The popular scholarship value is 25 – 30% of tuition fee, however, some scholarships may cover up to 50% or 85% of the tuition fee of the whole design cost. Contact us today to know more!  

Interested in studying Design in Australia?

Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today for free counselling, and a free application process!