
Preparing for the Pearson Test of English (PTE) requires a systematic approach to ensure success. Alongside dedicated study time, utilising resources such as PTE free practice sites, PTE tutorials, and free practice tests for PTE can greatly enhance your preparation. This article outlines essential steps to help you effectively prepare for your PTE exam, including guidance on utilising PTE free practice sites, accessing tutorials, finding free practice tests, understanding the Pearson PTE exam, and booking your PTE test. 

1. What is the Pearson Test of English (PTE)?

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is an English language proficiency exam designed to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers. It is widely recognised and accepted by universities, colleges, and governments around the world as proof of English language proficiency for various purposes, including study abroad, employment, and immigration. 

The PTE exam evaluates the test taker’s ability to understand and use English in academic and real-life settings. It assesses four main language skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening. The exam is computer-based and uses cutting-edge technology, including artificial intelligence and automated scoring systems, to provide accurate and reliable results.

2. What does the Pearson PTE score system entail?

The PTE score system is designed to evaluate the English language proficiency across four main skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening. Each skill is assessed independently, and the scores are reported on a scale ranging from 10 to 90. The overall score, known as the PTE Academic Overall Score, is also reported on the same scale. Here is a breakdown of the scoring system for each skill: 

  • Speaking: The Speaking section of the PTE exam evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in spoken English. It assesses skills such as pronunciation, oral fluency, and grammatical accuracy. 
  • Writing: The Writing section measures your ability to express ideas clearly in written English. It assesses skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and written discourse organisation. 
  • Reading: The Reading section evaluates your comprehension skills by assessing your ability to understand and analyse written English texts. It assesses skills such as understanding main ideas, identifying supporting details, and making inferences. 
  • Listening: The Listening section assesses your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts. It evaluates skills such as understanding the main idea, recognising specific details, and following verbal instructions. 

3. What PTE score is required to study in Australian institutions?

The PTE score requirements for studying in Australian universities and colleges can vary depending on the institution and the specific program or course you are applying for.  

As a general guideline, many Australian universities require a minimum overall PTE Academic score of 59 for their undergraduate and postgraduate programs while Australian colleges may only require the minimum score between 35 to 50 to enroll in their courses.  

It’s important to note that these are approximate ranges, and the actual score requirements can vary significantly between institutions and programs. For example, for the Bachelor of Nursing program, a minimum PTE score between 65 and 72 (equivalent to IELTS 7.0) may be required to be eligible for admission. On the other hand, to apply for a Teaching program, a higher score of 79 may be required. 

Not sure how many PTE score you may need for your desired courses? Contact SOL Edu today to have free consultation and free application process.  

4. What are the steps to best prepare for a PTE test?

Step 1: Familiarise yourself with PTE exam format 

The first step towards PTE exam success is understanding its format. Familiarise yourself with the different sections of the exam, including Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening. By understanding the structure and requirements of each section, you can better focus your preparation efforts. Below is an overview of the PTE exam format: 


  • Personal introduction: You will be asked to introduce yourself within 30 seconds. 
  • Read aloud: You will read a short text aloud and 30-40 seconds are allocated for each item. 
  • Repeat sentence: You will hear a sentence and then repeat it. You will be given10 seconds to prepare and 15 seconds to record your response.  
  • Describe image: You will see an image and have to describe it. You will have 25 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to respond. 
  • Re-tell lecture: You will listen to a lecture and then summarise it. You will have 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to record your response. 
  • Answer short questions: You will answer short questions based on audio clips. Approximately 10 seconds are allocated per item. 


  • Summarise written text: You will read a passage and summarise it in one sentence. 10 minutes are allocated to complete each task. 
  • Write essay: You will write an essay based on a given topic. 20 minutes are allocated to complete the essay task. 

Reading: You may take 30 minutes to complete it  

  • Multiple-Choice, choose single answer: You will read a passage and answer a question with a single correct answer. 
  • Multiple-Choice, choose multiple answers: You will read a passage and answer a question with multiple correct answers. 
  • Re-order paragraphs: You will rearrange jumbled paragraphs to create a coherent text. 
  • Fill in the blanks: You will fill in the missing words in a passage. 
  • Multiple-Choice, choose single answer (Reading & Writing): You will read a passage and answer a question with a single correct answer. 
  • Multiple-Choice, choose multiple answers (Reading & Writing): You will read a passage and answer a question with multiple correct answers. 

Listening: You may take 45-60 minutes to complete it  

  • Summarise spoken text: You will listen to an audio recording and summarise it in writing.  
  • Multiple-Choice, choose multiple answers: You will listen to an audio recording and answer a question with multiple correct answers. 
  • Fill in the blanks: You will listen to an audio recording and fill in the missing words. 
  • Highlight correct summary: You will listen to an audio recording and choose the best summary. 
  • Multiple-Choice, choose single answer: You will listen to an audio recording and answer a question with a single correct answer. 
  • Select missing word: You will listen to an audio recording and choose the missing word. 

The PTE exam is timed, and each section has a specific time limit. The exam duration is approximately 3 hours, including breaks. The scores for each section contribute to the overall PTE Academic score, which reflects your English language proficiency. 

It’s important to familiarise yourself with the PTE exam format and practice with sample questions and mock tests to become comfortable with the structure and requirements of each section. This will help you effectively manage your time and perform to the best of your ability on the actual exam. 

Step 2: Utilise PTE free practice sites 

PTE free practice sites offer a wealth of resources to help you enhance your skills and build confidence. These sites provide practice questions, sample answers, and interactive exercises that mirror the actual PTE exam. Some reputable PTE free practice sites include: 

Regularly engaging with these sites will familiarise you with the exam format, improve your time management, and sharpen your language skills. 

Step 3: Seek PTE tutorials or English courses  

PTE tutorials provide comprehensive guidance and strategies to tackle each section of the exam. They offer step-by-step instructions, useful tips, and techniques to maximise your performance. Online platforms like E2Language ( and PTE Tutorials ( offer interactive tutorials with expert instructors who can guide you through the intricacies of the PTE exam.  


Alternatively, you have the option to enroll in PTE courses offered by reputable English schools. SOL Edu has established strong partnerships with various renowned English schools throughout Australia. If you are interested in exploring these courses and gaining information about their timetables and tuition fees, please feel free to contact SOL Edu by filling out the inquiry form or sending an email to [email protected]. Our dedicated team will provide you with free counselling, free admission process, and offer insights on courses that suit your needs. Additionally, they can inform you about schools that offer the most affordable tuition fees, helping you make a best decision. 

Step 4: Access free practice tests for PTE 

In addition to utilising PTE free practice sites, incorporating free practice tests into your preparation is crucial. These tests simulate the actual exam conditions and help you assess your readiness. Practice tests also highlight your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to focus on areas that require improvement. Websites like PTE Practice Test, PTE Gurus, and PTE Tutorials and PTE Study Centre offer free, timed practice tests that closely resemble the real exam. 

Step 5: Book Your PTE Test 

Once you feel confident in your preparation, it’s time to book your PTE test. Visit the official Pearson PTE website or authorised test centers to book your exam slot. Make sure to select a convenient date and location, considering your preparation timeline and personal circumstances. Booking in advance allows you to plan your study schedule accordingly and maintain a focused approach towards your goal. 


Preparing for your PTE exam requires a combination of disciplined study, strategic planning, and utilising available resources. Incorporating PTE free practice sites, accessing tutorials, engaging in free practice tests, understanding the exam format and scoring system, and booking your PTE test are vital steps on your journey towards achieving a successful PTE score. Remember, consistent practice, dedication, and a well-structured preparation plan will ultimately lead you to success in your PTE exam. 

If you have any questions relating to PTE, IELLTS or English courses, feel free to contact SOL Edu.